Book your class now

We can’t wait for you to join us in our shala!

We ask that you please book your classes beforehand as our studio is a boutique style space without a reception. Our online booking system will be open up until two hours before a scheduled class. The FREE CANCELLATION window is up to 3 hours before class. You are welcome to drop-in at a class time although you will have to pay cash in this case and a space isn’t guaranteed. Please do your best to arrive at least five minutes before the class begins, to settle in and not disrupt the start of the class. Once class starts, we lock the door and close the curtains.

Every purchase directly through us, and not a third party, greatly increases our chances of survival at a time when Independent studios are challenged greatly to survive let alone thrive. If you love our studio, you can help keep our doors open by becoming a member. It means more than you know!