The Journey

The journey started well before but things too a turn when I was diagnosed with a rare and incurable thyroid cancer at the age of 22. From that moment onward, the journey of how I thought about ‘health’ and overall life was forever changed and continues to evolve with me. 

I already had an interest in health as I was in my last year of studying nutrition & dietetics, but the diagnosis led me to dive deeper than ever before, into my own body and what health actually meant for me. The thing I continue to be fascinated by is how much our bodily systems are all interconnected within us and without us, in our environments; which we aren’t always led to understand. We can eat a great diet but stress and emotional imbalance will inhibit our gut from properly absorbing nutrients. We can exercise every day but an unsupportive diet and sleep schedule will not aid our muscles with recovery. Nothing in isolation, no matter how good it may be, works to its full potential alone. We are all as connected internally as we are externally with our environments. 

Through my love for traveling, nature and connections with people, I continue to learn so much about myself, humans, and how we can truly thrive and not just survive here on Earth. I started Samaya Sol to provide a space to nourish the whole us. Inside and out. Mind, body, soul and spirit. To give ourselves an opportunity to live life to the fullest. To reclaim our precious energy. For more nurturing fulfillment. More wellbeing. And ultimately to re-connect to the things that really nourish our lives. Because, if we want to thrive on and with this planet and not JUST survive, we must see ourselves as an interconnected whole. Self to self, humans to humans, and humans to earth/nature alike.

I have learned even more about life and myself over the last couple years.. I was born in California and grew up in Arizona. I moved to London in 2020 in the midst of the Covid pandemic to join my loving partner but the move hit me much harder than I anticipated considering I was fully up for it! However, I have grown and discovered so much of myself within this move and have been able to sit in the discomfort (at times) which has driven me to dig deep into my own inner-world and shadows. I feel ever more grateful for life and all its opportunities and experiences - stepping away from labeling them “GOOD” and “BAD” and just letting myself be in the experience. If you made it this far, thank you so much for being here. I hope that we can connect and be a part of each others journeys at some point.

With much love & gratitude,
